AZ residents, please share this with all your friends and family and post to social media accounts, personally asking your followers to take a minute to act on this email and join the movement at any level they can. Other states desiring to launch a similar campaign should contact us asap for assistance. We are stronger together!

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Let's GO Arizona you can do this!

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I wish I could help! In fact I’ve stood on the sidelines cheering for Arizona for three years now and praying for this to be a reality. I’m in another state but my heart goes out to all the people who have been hurt by the corrupt people who have hijacked your elections and your state!!! Godspeed Arizonans!

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I'm in the Northeast, in a blue state, but I am PRAYING DAILY for Arizona to rid itself - and hopefully this will be a precedent for US - of voting machines forever!

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With California would do this...

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California and ANY other state can do this. We have a 50 state campaign calling for the Ban of All Voting Machines. What's required is a local group in every county that is working the bottom up strategy connecting with all of the election administrators, including Board of Supervisors, Recorders, Election Directors. What we are finding is that the voting machines don't meet federal and state constitutional requirements to begin with AND most states require the election to be held on one designated day. We are the frog in the slow boil pot that has been incrementally fooled into thinking changes in election procedures is lawful. We need to do our homework and get moving with our sites squarely on affecting 2024 elections.

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