Thank you BRIGETTE and thanks to The Secretary of State, Marco Rubio. So well explained and basically lost with the TV station that none of us watch. Except for the PRESIDENT who sees and hears everything. We so love PRESIDENT TRUMP and pray for him and his family every day.
CNN stands to loose a lot of money if their puppet masters loose this battle and peace is brought. Sad that there are so many in the US who still think CNN is news and not simply a propaganda ministry for the left.
Thank you BRIGETTE and thanks to The Secretary of State, Marco Rubio. So well explained and basically lost with the TV station that none of us watch. Except for the PRESIDENT who sees and hears everything. We so love PRESIDENT TRUMP and pray for him and his family every day.
CNN stands to loose a lot of money if their puppet masters loose this battle and peace is brought. Sad that there are so many in the US who still think CNN is news and not simply a propaganda ministry for the left.
Sheer quality, something that has been missing for the last four years.
Marco Rubio, you're a class act, and you're not an act, not a phoney, you're the real deal, as if we didn't know that already.
I do believe that America is going to slowly awaken.