Fifty years ago, my husband had a student loan to help him through graduate school. We paid 100% of this loan back for many reasons: 1) If we paid it back there would be money for others to borrow, 2) It is the right and moral thing to do. Biden is paying for these loans not because he cares about these students in debt, but the reason he does everything - to get more votes. I am happy to see the courts blocking his illegal, immoral programs.

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The Democrats will have voted early by mail, the Republicans will be stopped at the voting locations by force via the terrorist gotaways; the next day Democrats will count the remaining votes and declare victory. The fact the terrorist destroyed the Republican vote will not matter. Democrats will say "We are not going to redo the election and if you want to you will be arrested as an insurrectionist”. Republicans must vote by mail early if they are to win. If you don’t think it can happen, Pearl Harbor, 9-11 did, why not this. Democrats have nothing to lose and everything to gain; therefore they will do this if we can't or won't stop them. The same terrorist group hiding in America attacked Israel, the most prepared country on earth. If the terrorists have no fear of attacking the Israelis, why would they fear us, unprepared, unaware and uninformed? If bureaucrats don’t throw the election to the Dems they will lose all their power. They will fight an unconstitutional, illegal and deadly fight to hold power. You play by rules they don’t! The FBI claims under Mr. Wray that they can’t find any of the gotaways . They don’t have to find them, they know where they're at and they are going to use them to close the voting locations, thus giving the election to the Democratic Party. The terrorist will attack red state voting locations enough to swing the election in their favor. They will not watch Trump win and thus go to jail or lose their positions of power!

I feel like I am watching Imperial Japanese airplanes leaving their carriers heading to Pearl Harbor and no one is listening to the warning.. Why is no one asking the head of the FBI Mr. Wray what he is doing to protect the voting locations? Answer Nothing! He wants them attacked. Marshall Law; close the voting locations. The Republicans must vote early and by mail. You must warn the TRUMP!

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