Thank you for addressing this most disturbing abuse of America's citizenship laws. For too long we the people, especially Republicans, have allowed the Democrats to break our laws and interpret the Constitution as they wish to benefit their socialist party's goals of one party rule. In my neighborhood, I have witnessed two woman from Turkey give birth, acquire US citizenship for their babies, and return to live in Turkey, a country hostile to the U.S.. In addition to the open borders, this is outrageous that our immigration laws and 14th Amendment jurisdiction clause are being abused. Birthright citizenship must be stopped as soon as possible and I pray this Bill will pass and be enforced immediately. Would it be possible to REVOKE (or not honor) the tourism citizenship of those who are not living under the jurisdiction of the US unless they move permanently to the U.S.?
In the early 2000's I worked with 2 brothers who told me they were a citizen of Mexico and the US, thus dual citizenship. They explained how their family lived in southern Mexico, but when their mother was about to deliver a baby, they would travel to San Diego to give birth in a US hospital gaining US citizenship for the child. They would then return to Mexico and of course the delivery bill was not paid to the hospital. Eventually they moved to the US settling in the community I was working in, but after a few years they went back to Mexico leaving the 2 oldest boys to work in the US. They sent money home to their family so they could buy land and plant an orchard. They were not bad people, they were easy to work with, but I totally disagree with anyone gaining US citizenship like that and that no one should be allowed dual citizenship. If you want to be a US citizen, you should have to give up the citizenship of the nation you came from and be US citizen only. I've shared this with people ever since and I'm glad to see that President Trump's team is going to address this problem. Keep up the good work!!!!
Thank you for addressing this most disturbing abuse of America's citizenship laws. For too long we the people, especially Republicans, have allowed the Democrats to break our laws and interpret the Constitution as they wish to benefit their socialist party's goals of one party rule. In my neighborhood, I have witnessed two woman from Turkey give birth, acquire US citizenship for their babies, and return to live in Turkey, a country hostile to the U.S.. In addition to the open borders, this is outrageous that our immigration laws and 14th Amendment jurisdiction clause are being abused. Birthright citizenship must be stopped as soon as possible and I pray this Bill will pass and be enforced immediately. Would it be possible to REVOKE (or not honor) the tourism citizenship of those who are not living under the jurisdiction of the US unless they move permanently to the U.S.?
In the early 2000's I worked with 2 brothers who told me they were a citizen of Mexico and the US, thus dual citizenship. They explained how their family lived in southern Mexico, but when their mother was about to deliver a baby, they would travel to San Diego to give birth in a US hospital gaining US citizenship for the child. They would then return to Mexico and of course the delivery bill was not paid to the hospital. Eventually they moved to the US settling in the community I was working in, but after a few years they went back to Mexico leaving the 2 oldest boys to work in the US. They sent money home to their family so they could buy land and plant an orchard. They were not bad people, they were easy to work with, but I totally disagree with anyone gaining US citizenship like that and that no one should be allowed dual citizenship. If you want to be a US citizen, you should have to give up the citizenship of the nation you came from and be US citizen only. I've shared this with people ever since and I'm glad to see that President Trump's team is going to address this problem. Keep up the good work!!!!