Years ago Trudeau was on video praising the CCP and saying how he admires daddy Xi because he has the power to force people to do what he wants. Interpreted, that means he is a puppet of Xi and the CCP, thus a member of organized crime. I've told that to people for a long time, so sad that Canadians finally began to wake up to the truth and demanded his resignation. Of course he'll do all the damage possible before he leaves office. I warned Christians back in 2021, don't be surprised if we go into a recession or possibly a depression followed by WWIII. In 2022 the first 2 quarters were negative GDP growth, thus signaling a recession. The left lied and claimed 2 qtrs negative GDP is not a recession even thou it has always been that before. So they changed the definition of recession so that they could say it wasn't. Never mind they still scream Trump's recession of 2020 which was only 1 qrt negative GDP, not an actual recession, and it was induced by covid and the insane lockdowns promoted mostly by democrats. Biden spent a ton of money allocated by the Inflation Increasing Act to prop up a false government induced economy as well as selling off half of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve, most of which was sold to China. That made the trade deficit look lower and the economy look like it was strong for the 3rd qrt and they claimed the economy was going strong. As they used to say when I was a child, liar liar pants on fire. They began to falsify a lot of government figures in order to create the illusion that employment was high and the economy strong. The revised figures which would come out months later and you wouldn't hear in the media showed the figures were inflated between 40-60% each month. Mike Maloney of GoldSilver has a lot of video's out on the history of money. In one he brought out that history shows every 40 years there is a change in the financial system. I doubt he knows that God works in periods of 40 years. Carter had double digit inflation, in 81 Paul Volker increased the interest rate to around 19-21%, I forget which, to cause a recession and bring inflation under control. It worked and over the next 40 years interests rates averaged 5.4-5.5% with it being near zero with Obama's QE. QE propped up the stock market, but gave the worst economic growth since the great depression. Powel is a student of Volker and when the next 40 years began, he began to increase the interest rate trying to bring inflation under a bit of control. Wall Street and other big boys kept claiming he'll lower interest rates at the next meeting. I said no, he will not lower interest rates until 2024 in time for the election. Well that happened. Lots of them admitted that the economy was in bad shape and felt a recession was coming during Biden's time. I said no, they'll continue to prop up Wall Street and if Trump is elected, they'll crash it on him. Well it looks like that's happening. The Nasdaq which was greatly over inflated is in 10% correction territory with the Dow and S&P close behind. How far will it crash, don't know but a 20% correction is highly possible. Buffet sold off Berkshire Hathaway's stock going to cash not long ago. He's one of the big boys who manipulates the market and he's a democrat. As for the change in the financial system, Gold and Silver are being bought up the world and central banks as the BRICS nations increased in numbers pushing for a gold standard of trading to bypass the US fiat petrodollar. We are also seeing governments around the world wanting to go to crypto currencies. Bitcoin has survived the numerous crypto frauds that led to bankruptcies. Bitcoins 2 major run ups came at a time when Afghanistan and Syria was collapsing. Why? The leaders of both nations couldn't move all their money in short notice, so they bought a lot of Bitcoin, fled their nation, then began selling it off. So its the choice of leaders who's fleeing their nations. Remember, the Pres of Afghanistan left millions of dollars on the airport runway because he couldn't take all the cash with him. This is like a circus roller coaster ride, Biden and the gang took to coaster to the top, and they are letting Pres Trump ride it to the bottom. Its like Buffet has said, "Yes we are at war and the rich are winning." Hope I'm wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if we see the recession possibly turning depression with a democrat leader in 2029 just in time to help start WWIII. Remember, a recession is when your neighbor is out of work, a depression is when your out of work. I suggest you pay off any debt you have and begin preparing for hard times to come.
Years ago Trudeau was on video praising the CCP and saying how he admires daddy Xi because he has the power to force people to do what he wants. Interpreted, that means he is a puppet of Xi and the CCP, thus a member of organized crime. I've told that to people for a long time, so sad that Canadians finally began to wake up to the truth and demanded his resignation. Of course he'll do all the damage possible before he leaves office. I warned Christians back in 2021, don't be surprised if we go into a recession or possibly a depression followed by WWIII. In 2022 the first 2 quarters were negative GDP growth, thus signaling a recession. The left lied and claimed 2 qtrs negative GDP is not a recession even thou it has always been that before. So they changed the definition of recession so that they could say it wasn't. Never mind they still scream Trump's recession of 2020 which was only 1 qrt negative GDP, not an actual recession, and it was induced by covid and the insane lockdowns promoted mostly by democrats. Biden spent a ton of money allocated by the Inflation Increasing Act to prop up a false government induced economy as well as selling off half of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve, most of which was sold to China. That made the trade deficit look lower and the economy look like it was strong for the 3rd qrt and they claimed the economy was going strong. As they used to say when I was a child, liar liar pants on fire. They began to falsify a lot of government figures in order to create the illusion that employment was high and the economy strong. The revised figures which would come out months later and you wouldn't hear in the media showed the figures were inflated between 40-60% each month. Mike Maloney of GoldSilver has a lot of video's out on the history of money. In one he brought out that history shows every 40 years there is a change in the financial system. I doubt he knows that God works in periods of 40 years. Carter had double digit inflation, in 81 Paul Volker increased the interest rate to around 19-21%, I forget which, to cause a recession and bring inflation under control. It worked and over the next 40 years interests rates averaged 5.4-5.5% with it being near zero with Obama's QE. QE propped up the stock market, but gave the worst economic growth since the great depression. Powel is a student of Volker and when the next 40 years began, he began to increase the interest rate trying to bring inflation under a bit of control. Wall Street and other big boys kept claiming he'll lower interest rates at the next meeting. I said no, he will not lower interest rates until 2024 in time for the election. Well that happened. Lots of them admitted that the economy was in bad shape and felt a recession was coming during Biden's time. I said no, they'll continue to prop up Wall Street and if Trump is elected, they'll crash it on him. Well it looks like that's happening. The Nasdaq which was greatly over inflated is in 10% correction territory with the Dow and S&P close behind. How far will it crash, don't know but a 20% correction is highly possible. Buffet sold off Berkshire Hathaway's stock going to cash not long ago. He's one of the big boys who manipulates the market and he's a democrat. As for the change in the financial system, Gold and Silver are being bought up the world and central banks as the BRICS nations increased in numbers pushing for a gold standard of trading to bypass the US fiat petrodollar. We are also seeing governments around the world wanting to go to crypto currencies. Bitcoin has survived the numerous crypto frauds that led to bankruptcies. Bitcoins 2 major run ups came at a time when Afghanistan and Syria was collapsing. Why? The leaders of both nations couldn't move all their money in short notice, so they bought a lot of Bitcoin, fled their nation, then began selling it off. So its the choice of leaders who's fleeing their nations. Remember, the Pres of Afghanistan left millions of dollars on the airport runway because he couldn't take all the cash with him. This is like a circus roller coaster ride, Biden and the gang took to coaster to the top, and they are letting Pres Trump ride it to the bottom. Its like Buffet has said, "Yes we are at war and the rich are winning." Hope I'm wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if we see the recession possibly turning depression with a democrat leader in 2029 just in time to help start WWIII. Remember, a recession is when your neighbor is out of work, a depression is when your out of work. I suggest you pay off any debt you have and begin preparing for hard times to come.