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The serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden by using what God had commanded Adam and twisting it with a lie. Able worshiped God, but Cain fell to the serpent killing Able. God gave them another son, Seth who was righteous. Noah came from the linage of Seth. Nimrod was a grandson of Noah and he was extremely perverted by the serpent, he slept with his mother and together they started the worship of moloch which allowed their followers to have all the sexually immoral relations they wanted and then sacrifice the unwanted child on the altar of moloch. Eventually that spun off to baal worship which is gross sexual immorality and killing the unwanted child on the altar of baal. Today, it has spun off to become PPH and abortion. Have all the grossly immoral sex and bring the unwanted baby to them so they can sacrifice it on the altar of abortion. Everyone who follows this is being beguiled by the serpent to this day. Remember when the Hebrew's were in the desert and became very ill, God instructed Moses to place an image of the serpent, a snake on a pole and lift it up for the people to see. Those who looked upon it were healed because they knew they had be beguiled by the serpents lies, repented, and turned back to God. Kamala is seriously beguiled by the serpent pushing for everything godless. The serpent has her tongue spewing lies to beguile the people into following the serpent to their death. In short, a goddess of sex, death, and destruction. So anyone who expects her to be honest is wasting their time and easily beguiled. All socialist/communist/islamic radicals are under the influence of the serpent, that's why they believe and spew the lies of those sick ideologies. I received a flyer in the mail last month by a democrat lady running for state Congress. It was the perfect example of taking something of God's word and twisting it with lies just as the serpent did with Eve. Anyone can fall to it, so we must be on our guard and pray for God's wisdom that we do not fall to the lies of the devil.

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