Aug 1Liked by Act for America

Well the only thing dims are good at, is lying and cheating, so!

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Aug 1Liked by Act for America

Despicable. This is treason and it is an insurrection. Where do these illegals get the money to pay for their rent? Oh… right, taxpayer money. And now they get to tell is what to do with our country that they have invaded… I see.

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Aug 1Liked by Act for America

And we as citizens have no defense. Is that it? What was our constitution for? Why did good men die for our rights? And who became our authority replacing God?

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Aug 2Liked by Act for America

This can NOT be allowed to stand.


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Aug 2Liked by Act for America


These registrations are INVALID.

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Aug 2Liked by Act for America

This is going on all over the US! Everywhere! Biden has destroyed the US and turned it into a LAWLESS nation.

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