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In my opinion we have only had 1 President that was nearly as bad as the Obama/Biden/Harris Presidency and that was Jimmy Carter. I've had people tell me he was a great Christian who got Egypt and Israel to sign a peace agreement. No he was not, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing who tried to take full credit for what Anwar Sadat wanted. Sadat's military had been virtually wiped out in the Yom Kippur war and the man finally came to his senses and realized that war with Israel was futile and he asked Israel for a peace agreement. Carter only set up the meeting place, all credit for the peace agreement goes to Anwar for coming to his senses and asking for it. Unfortunately he paid for it with his life because radical muslims assassinated him for making the peace agreement. Carter was also a failure when radical muslims took over the US Embassy in Iran. He sat on his butt doing nothing to free the Embassy hostages till outrage prompted him to send a small helicopter raid which was a total failure, they didn't even make it to Iran due to sand in their engines. I was on my 1st enlistment in the Marines in those days. We had almost no ammunition because it was depleted and left behind during the Vietnam war. We lived on starvation rations, I can actually say I have eaten green eggs with egg shells and ham under Carter. We walked everywhere because we were only allowed 50 gallons of fuel per vehicle/year. I'd give instruction to the troops on weapons and Nuclear/Biological/Chemical warfare equipment using a picture to show them what it was. They asked when will we see this stuff, I was instructed to tell them when we go to war. In came President Regan and suddenly arms, ammunition, and equipment began to flood in. Pres Regan got the hostages released. Carters other insane failure that some like to claim was his greatest achievement was giving away the Panama Canal. We had to invade Panama in 89 due to a massive uprising that endangered US citizens and military personnel. Now we have China controlling the Canal and many other key resources in Central and South America. China has been buying up mining operations and key infrastructure around the world while the west sat on its butt coddling the stealth muslim invaders because we had rejected God for to many decades. During the 50's China stood before the UN declaring "we will take the US from without." Russia laughed and said we will take the US from within. Russia had their operatives working on the takeover since the 1880's but China learned from their mistake of closed borders. They sent their children to be trained in our universities and to corrupt Professors/students, thus using the "within" process. They knew that communism cannot build wealth, so they invited the Western Capitalists to come build their economy. Thus they have been taking over the US from without through the cheap labor they provide destroying our economy. The Chinese were smarter than Russia and the West. They do long term planning and its worked out well for them In the West, we make short term plans from one election cycle to the next based on what will get them elected, thus we have failed to do the long term planning necessary for our nation to be able to provide our needs without buying mostly from 3rd world nations which the Chinese have been buying up the control of. I congratulate Pres Trump on being the 1st President to address this problem during his first term, but opposition was entrenched making it difficult for him to get much done. Biden tried to claim it was his idea that we need to bring mining and chips manufacturing back to the US and the dems came up with the Inflation Increasing Act claiming it would solve the problem. Tons of that money was exported overseas through money laundering schemes by the dems, and it did nothing to help US mining and little to help chips manufacturing in the US. The US voters were sucker punched once again. I hope and pray for President Trump being successful during this term, but it will only last 4 years. We need to get strong Republican/Conservative leaders who will continue the proper planning to take the US forward in the future after this administration. The US was the light of the world, but the democrats put the light under a basket and the world laughed at us. Let them put the light out completely and the world will only have a small flicker of light coming from tiny Israel. If that happens, the entire world will come against Israel. Thanks to Act for America and many other Judeo/Christian organizations that have been doing the work to lay the foundations to bring the US back to being the light that leads the world through God's will.

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