Israel has always accepted all peace-loving people to live in harmony within and outside of her borders. When my dad graduated from NYU in 1931, his parents sent him to the Holy Land for one month to reinforce his roots as a Jew. His traveling companion for the month was his best friend through four years of college, a Palestinian Arab. The two were inseparable. Imagine how his friend would feel now seeing the strife and terrorism.

Thank you, Brigitte, for your poignant video highlighting these very principles. Lebanon has now been freed of the yoke of tyranny and must take advantage of the opportunity to elect leaders who will stand only for peace and prosperity. Perhaps those subjugated and victimized by Hamas will take the needed steps to do the same.

Finally, may our policy here in the U.S.. be fully supportive of Israel in their quest to establish peace in the region, and let us do all possible to find and rescue the hostages, both Israeli and American. We will see the one-year anniversary of the October 7 massacre of innocent civilians. It is time for decisive action to bring them home!

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In Chapter 13 of her excellent book, "Because They Hate", Brigitte Gabriel says clearly that "Islam Not Only Condones Violence but Commands It Against Infidels". She notes that the terrorists who hijacked the planes on 9/11 "were Muslims who practiced the teachings of the Koran". She goes on to say: "Islamic terrorists the world over, whom we characterize as fanatics, are really just very devout followers of Muhammad. They are following his example and doing exactly what the Koran teaches..." And, then she quotes several of those jihadist verses from the Koran. This is the message that all of us should be promoting to as wide an audience as possible using the social media which still permits us to do it.

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Sep 30Liked by Act for America

Thank you, Brigitte, for continuing to stand for the truth! Your life and your purpose are encouraging. This was a blessing to the world from Israel.

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Oct 3Liked by Act for America

I read your book years ago and encouraged several of my friends at work to read it, they did. It tells the real story of the relationship between Hamas and Hezbollah and the Israeli people and government. I’ll be praying for the Lebanese people to make the right decisions regarding the establishment of a peaceful existence with Israel. Thank you so much for making this important video.

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Thank you, Brigitte, for expressing these heartfelt thoughts regarding the situation now involving Israel and Lebanon. These thoughts that you speak so clearly are quite familiar to me and many of the reasons why I chose to cofound a chapter of your, no, our organization. Your clarity and candor, when speaking about the Middle East and human rights are known to all of us who are compassionate and understanding, willing to speak out for good and against evil and our world.

Today is October 7, and it has been one year since the barbaric Hamas attack. Although many questions remain as to why that attack went undetected, that will have to be determined in the aftermath of what appears to be turning into a full Middle East conflagration – possibly a harbinger of another world war.

As an American Jew, one of the burning questions for me is why is our present US government even debating about aid to Israel in that fight for survival. During World War II, American soldiers of all religions, came to the aid of Europeans to rid the world of the likes of Hitler and Mussolini and their efforts to cleanse Europe, and eventually the world, of Jews, and any others, who would not bow down and submit to the Aryan race. Likewise, against the Japanese empire.

What is the US doing to rescue Americans who were taken captive one year ago? Where is that American spirit to defend the rights of human beings, American or other, as we watch the development of a new Holocaust?

I will proudly attend a rally this evening in Nassau County, NY, as we call attention to the ongoing plight of whatever hostages still remain alive as captives, and the fight for survival that we should be helping Israel to win in any way possible. We cannot bury our heads in the sand and hope for the best as that will only embolden our enemies.

Yes, Brigitte, I am happy to join you in both hope for a lasting peace in the Middle East, and timely defeat of those who would promote terror against Israel or any other nation or people.

Am Chai Israel!

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