Thanks you for your courage and for speaking out. I'm doing what I can to share these articles.

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Bless you and thank you for sharing. This is exactly how we’ve grown in the past 20 years to be such a positive force, word of mouth sharing from our supporters who participate as a true Republican would. It’s going to take many more of us to save this country and your sharing is vital to that effort. Thank you!

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We are on the same side of the same coin. You forgot another reason that the Left hates you. You're a Smart woman who can think quickly on her feet and you articulate yourself precisely. A million thanks to you, tBrigitte for your hard work on behalf of all us, defending Judeo-Christian values, both Christians and Jews, pulling no punches when telling the truth about the nature of Islam when confronted by Muslims or their surrogates, and reminding American of our values, unique individualism, qualities and greatness. This is why even as a Jew I joined your organization. We are all Americans, share common values and aspirations for the future and want Our Country to remain great and succeed!

G-d Bless.

Yaakov H

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Bless you Yaakov, I am so thankful you are part of the Act for America family. It’s wonderful people like you that enable me to do my part and we are stronger together!

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I am humbled! Your activism knows no bounds. I try to enlighten each person whom I meet. I write my best on social media despite AI changing it as I type. This is why it’s so important to review

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Thank you Brigitte for your recognition. It means a lot. I will do my best to get the truth out there. Perhaps one day I will meet with you and share my background and where my understanding of the Muslim World comes from especially how your country was torn apart by the PLO, Syria, Amal, Hezbollah, and others including the end of independent of South Lebanon

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