
Thank you, ma chère Brigitte, especially for placing the blame squarely on the mad mullahs in Iran. I do not believe for one single minute that the SS—is that Secret Service or Schutzstaffel?—failed to protect President Trump. What they actually did was fail to assassinate him, only by the grace of G-d Almighty. At this dismal juncture I have officially stopped engaging with any of these pro-Hamas anti-American keffiyeh clad Jew-and-Christian hating genocidal lunatic cretins. These apologists for Islam keep trying to convince us all that there is just as much violence in the Bible as there is in the Quran but my response is simply that the records of battles in the Holy Bible are merely descriptive while the violence in the Quran is prescriptive and therein lies the essential difference. I personally do not give a darn if somebody calls me “Islamophobic” because the last time I checked in the DSM-V a phobia was still an IRRATIONAL fear.

“Thus you shall know them by their fruits"—Matthew 7:15-20. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and innocent as doves.”—Matthew 10:16

Would you please explain to everyone else yet again exactly what the Islamists mean by “first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people?”

May G-d bless and keep us all safe! 🙏

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Very well said!

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And the GOP needs to do SOMETHING instead of just talking and grilling the people who belong in prison!

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still unbeleivable the ignorance of islam and the threat ..40 yrs now ..and these idiots like christian cant say the truth, he shouldnt have said anything ..its all out war with islam at this point ..they are getting stronger cause no one wants to hear about the RELIGION of peace

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Thank you, but if this is so why was the assassin cremated quickly and all of the records/information of the event destroyed by the FBI or Secret Service? The whole thing just smells to me. I'm 90 and lived through the JFK assassination, didn't trust the narrative then and don't about this now. It seems to me that we are destined to live under a communist government that gets rid of the opposition. The media seems to be in agreement but they won't be needed if that happens. The reason for media is to give truth to the population to keep the government honest. That's if it does as it's supposed to, holding up the Constitution.

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I would like to know how many people have actually read The Original Constitution of the United States of America written in 1787 and understand the role of Congress. When you read it, do you think that Congress is doing their job?

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