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I have followed you for quite a few years - before Substack. Great work - and you must know about Dr. Mark Christian - former Muslim from Egypt - .....! Right here in River City Omaha Ne ('Not for every body!"?). But here's the thing - we cannot yet have "that discussion"!

Speaking of County Boards of Supervisors,.....elections .... SoS, AG - are you familiar with Robert J. Borer@substack.com? (We the People?) If not - he does have skin in the game also - in the fight for our elections -and the one stolen. Ne. sounds like AZ - and that is a pattern across the USA! Many refusals for records etc. not to mention rediculus attempts to head off citizen action, and no discussions with County Board of Supervisors! Even during limited "Citizen Comments" at Open? Meetings?

Last Tuesday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAJb20vABsQ Douglas Co. B o Suprervisors 9/19/23.

During "Citizen Comments" I was interrupted, publicly scorned and called "racist",... by the Presiding Officer, than by my own Commissioner (Daughter of a former Mayor and Supervisor) thay left her chair to run to the Podium to declare me guilty of "Hate Speech" ! This near the end of the video!

What you don't see and probably can't hear - is my attempt to protest and answer their Unconstitutional attack on a Citizen's Constitutional rights - publicly! I said nothing that you or Dr. Christian would say in re: to Constitution Day 9/17 and the differences - that need to be openly discussed - across this Country.

Not just Re; Muslims but the Illegal, migrant, disaster being encouraged, aide by an illegitimate Gov't (Federal and State & Local)! These gov'ts have declared all who follow you , Dr. Christian, Robert J. Borer, Substackers, and all "deplorables", ... the enemy, guilty of Racism, Hate Speech,....!

Happy Constitution Week!

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